Saturday 22 January 2022

A Cancer that need to be Cured Urgently

There is a thing called "Conversion". For a society it means convert from one religion to another. Literally that means you as a person change your belief. I always wondered, what the heck is that belief which changes as soon as you change your religion. What is the difference between the belief of a Hindu or a Christian or a Muslim? Is there any difference? Nothing. Every human just have 2 beliefs, one self belief and second is a belief that someone powerful has impact in his life, which is otherwise known as God/Allah/Lord etc. etc. If you go one step further to the analysis of Adi Shankaracharya, he just says the self belief and the belief of someone else being all powerful are the same, it is you who is all powerful or it is the all powerful which generate beliefs on yourself. The two belief system is Dvaitavad and one belief system is called Advaitavad in India. Just think, can you imagine any other belief? That is difference based upon the so called term Religion????

If every single human believe in one single thing apart from him ,which is called God, then why are there religions?? How are they different from each other, What exactly is that? What exactly you change when you convert? Previously it was not a serious thing to contemplate. But today it is more than serious. I will limit this conversion topic only to the Indian perspective. A teenage girl just killed herself in Tamilnadu, otherwise branded as most religiously tolerant state in India, because she was forced to convert to Christianity from Hinduism. As she was not obeying the diktat of the hostel warden (Appointed by obviously a missionary school) , she was discriminated, mentally tortured and harassed. So she decided to kill herself. Is it true or not I don't know. But the fact is this is not the main headline of the newspapers is what is more disappointing. But yeah no one is surprised as victim in Hindu which is considered as everyday normal in India. 

But what exactly is this conversion? What it converts? Since last 4-5 years, there is a tremendous awakening among the Hindus about this. But reaction to this is not what is meant to be. Earlier, the secular propaganda of "it is personal choice to choose and propagate his/her religion" was dominated among the educated Hindu psyche but this has changed quite a lot now. Todays Hindu denounces conversion, understands it is a cheating, not scientific, non democratic and illogical. They understand it is a hollow thing, it is a false thing, but what they don't understand that though it is a false thing, it is not a hollow thing. It is a menace, it is a threat. The reaction to it should not be limited laughing and sharing the  Abra ka Dabra kind of videos of the Christian preachers or some illogical hinduisation of Jesus photos or sharing of some ladies dancing in absolutely ugly way to some fake tunes in some sermon sessions. The reaction should not be limited to denounce, the reaction should be much more than that.

The reason why this is so serious is actually there is nothing that is being converted in conversion that is related to belief (As I have already said there is only one kind of belief), also as far as Abrahamic religions like C(Christian) and M(Muslims) are concerned, it has nothing to do with spirituality too. When you convert an H to C or M, you actually convert the culture of that person. And culture is a native thing. You take him away from his roots. That's it. And Culture is the only thing that binds a nation. You destroy the culture you destroy the nation. When one converts to M, he starts wearing a skull cap. Now what skull cap can change a person from H to M? You just infused Arabic culture to an Indian by converting him to M. A H whose forefathers never had Beef, suddenly starts eating beef without hesitation after being converted to M or C. Seriously. are you changing his belief? No, beef is being eaten in the Europe and middle east and not in India or south east Asia. So by changing the food on a plate you are changing the faith of the person? No way, Again what you are changing is culture. He slowly stops wearing a saffron cloth, he deliberately goes to a church and ask the God the same thing that he used to Ask when he used to go to Temple. He stops, Chanting Bharat Mata ki Jai once he converts to M. Seriously, Can anyone find any logical change in a person who converts from H to C or M?

You can't. It is absolutely not possible. Because the Abrahamic religions are nothing but set of rules you should follow to maintain social order as well as structure in the society for humans. That's it. Is there any difference between C and M? Are their or for that matter anyone's God is different from another? Not at all, For all of them the God is same. Now secular people will say the path to reach God is different? Oh is it?? I reach God By forbidding beef and he reaches God by eating it?? I reach God by Chanting Vande Mataram and he by Saying I wont say Vande Matram? I reach God by Shouting Jai Shri Ram and he by saying Prophet is the last Messenger. I reach God from India by praying in Jagannath temple where C and M are not even allowed and that C guy reaches God by Praying in a Church which constantly propagates H Gods as Vultures?? Is this what the phrase means "Ekam sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti"? Common! what can be more ridiculous than this? The fact is every religion which is nothing but a set of rule is some kind of a constitution of some civilization, prepared by some gyani people over a period of time. Ok not some civilization, It is the vedic civilization, it is the source of "Code of Conduct" for every religion because all the people that are spreaded over the world are civilized one way or the other by the vedic people. The simple rules like " dont kill an innnocent", "Dont Marry among siblings", "Respect Parents", "Help others", "Give food to needies", "Sacrifice is the greatest virtue", etc etc are the over all summary of every religion. There is a reason it is called in India that all people are family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam) because we have set same standard for a society , just mention the source as different some say Ramayan, some say Upnishad, Some say Quran or BIble. It does not alter the basic fundamentals of rules of the society. That's it, that is where religion ends.

Everything that differentiate H from C and M is not belief or faith or spirituality, but the culture. It changes your idols, your history, it changes your dressings, your food, your relations, your emotions towards your native, your story, your likes/dislikes. It changes your personality to a small extent and to a large extent it changes your identity. You are just lost in your life, you dont know what to live for, whom to love for, you are detached of your history, So you start afresh. You chose your motive differently, You start hating the previous notions. You start denouncing the Ram, The Krishnas. You start mocking the Ganesh. You suddenly start love for your enemy countries. The conversion is nothing but a Hate brewing factory, utilizes the economic aspirations of some greedy people to bring the history of the nation into shambles. Its only motive is to detach the person from the root so that some greedy or self proclaimed religious fanatics far away from your country can suck your resources as much as they can for their benefit.

It is a cancer for the society with sole objective of to make it hollow within. The guy who asks you to convert has no fusking belief in his exclusive lord, rather he is just an employee with x number of target like an LIC agent to get his additional year end bonus which he needs to pay his EMI, or an employee who is brainwashed to do anything in this life as he is a greedy sucker who expects "What not" after he goes to Jannat in his afterlife. The Time has come not just to denounce it but to suppress and eradicate it in whatever way possible. 

Last but not the least, let no more girl die because of this cancer.

Jai Shri Ram


  1. True....this cancer has to be refrained and constant effort to make it happen should on
